International Festival of the Extra-ordinary Textile FITE) “Déviations”
The program it is a part of FITE România, which will take place in Băița, Brașov, Sibiu, București și Constanța, on July 6-14th, 2019
Organizers: Muzeul Textilelor, Băița City Hall and Școala Gimnazială Băița

Saturday, July 6th
Muzeul Textilelor, Building B, Băița, 20A, Hunedoara County
- 15:30 – 18:30 Workshop of wood cut, Ancestral Symbols of Pădureni Area, Coordinator, Prof. Mircea Lac
- 16:30 – 17:30 Tour of the exhibition Wool and Water—Woven Felted Blankets of Balkan-Carpathian Region with Florica Zaharia, the exhibition’s curator
- 17:30 – 18:30 Viewing of the exhibition Decades of Visual Memory—Photographs by Ana and Gheorghe Tripon
At Haldină, Băița, Hunedoara County
- 18:30Zilele Comunei Băița, event organized by Băița City Hall, the Băiţa Local Counselors and the Elementary School (Şcoala Gimnazială Băiţa)
Sunday, July 7th
Muzeul Textilelor, Building B, Băița, 20A, Hunedoara County
- 10:00 – 12:00 Viewing of a selection of Romanian and Eastern European costume elements from the Muzeul Textilelor collection with Florica Zaharia, Director and Co-Owner of the Muzeul Textilelor
- 12:00 – 13:00 Viewing of the installation Lenore Tawney and Its Weaving Innovations with Florica Zaharia
Scoala Gimnazială Băița, Hunedoara County
- 10:00 – 12:00 Presentation of the “Urban Thread”, a nomadic textile architecture designed by the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture in Clermont-Ferrand and the Charles Perrault elementary school in Clermont-Ferrand, in collaboration with the Elementary School (Şcoala Gimnazială Baita.) Coordinator Crişan Dorin, Director
Muzeul Textilelor, Building C, Sat. Hărțăgani, Nr. 434, Hunedoara County
- 14:30-15:30 Visit at the Muzeului Textilelor, Corp C
Muzeul Textilelor, Building B, Băița, Hunedoara County
- 16:00 – 17:00 Presentation of the Alba, “White” collection made in France and Romania, with Mirela Traistaru, the artist
At Haldină, Băița, Hunedoara County
- 17:30 Zilele Comunei Băița, event organized by Băița City Hall, the Băiţa Local Counselors, and the Elementary School (Şcoala Gimnazială Băiţa)
*The admission to exhibitions and installations is possible with the Muzeul Textilelor’s admission ticket
The Technological Transformation from Plant to Fabric
Workshop July 29th-August 2th, 2019
Muzeul Textilelor, Building C, Hărțăgani Village, No. 434, Hunedoara County, Romania
Florica Zaharia
Tel: 40 732 514 037
Emails: or
With this workshop the Muzeul Textilelor is launching a series of workshops focused on textile fibers and their traditional technologies. Through the workshops we offer high quality training programs in textile fibers to museum professionals, scholars, students and anyone who works with fibers or has a special interest in the subject.
Organizer: Muzeul Textilelor/Asociația Textile Heritage Preservation
Instructor: Florica Zaharia
Date: July 29th-August 2th, 2019 (five days)
Location: Muzeul Textilelor, Building C, Hărțăgani, Hunedoara County, România
Materials: Workshop fiber materials will be provided at the event
Recommended attire: Comfortable cloth and shoes, rain boots
Group size: 10 – 12 people
Official language: English
Workshop fees: 928.00 Euros per person. Admission fees include daily tea/coffee, lunch, workshop fiber materials, and a garden party to be held at the end of the workshop.
Deadline for registration: July 1st, 2019
Early registration, 10% discount: May 15th, 2019
Please send your registration form with a short CV to For registration please use the workshop registration form from here: (REGISTRATION FORM)
Cancellations: Cancellations must be submitted in writing to no later than July 10th
Suggested accommodation: Pensiunea Ana,, in Chișcadaga village, 17km distance from Hărțăgani village; Hotel Wien,; Hotel President, in Deva city, 27 km from Hărțăgani village; Pensiunea Eva,, in Șoimus, near Deva, 22 km from Hărțăgani village
Who should attend this workshop: Museum professionals, scholars, students and anyone who works with fibers or has a special interest in the subject.
Workshop Description
The traditional process of producing hemp fibers in Romania was perfected over generations to respond to the needs of multiple qualities of fabrics from which each family made holiday and everyday costumes, textiles for the interior, and textiles for farming activities. Each step of the technological process, from seed planting to weaving, and in between—harvesting, drying, retting, drying after retting, braking, combing, spinning, bleaching, and weaving are all essential moments in defining a specific quality of hemp fiber and its relationship with the hemp fabric. All these procedures, beginning with hemp harvesting, will be studied and experienced during the five-day workshop. Participants will be able to build their own collection of systematically produced hemp fiber samples.
The workshop will be conducted using original tools, at a farm dating from 1902, and the work will be done as nearly as possible in the way it was done at the beginning of the 20th century, yet with a scientific approach.
About the instructor
Dr. Florica Zaharia is Conservator Emerita of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Director and Co-owner of the Muzeul Textilelor. For twenty-eight years, Florica Zaharia was a member of the Department of Textile Conservation at The Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met), thirteen years as Conservator in Charge of the Department, working with a group of world-renowned textile conservators. After her retirement from The Met in 2016, she returned to her native country, Romania, and opened the Muzeul Textilelor, in Băița and Hărțăgani, Hunedoara county, Romania. This is a private textile museum with a collection of approximately 12,000 pieces collected in Romania and worldwide by her and her family during the last four decades.
Dr. Zaharia has researched, published, lectured, curated exhibitions, and taught on the subjects of textile conservation and preservation, textile materials and technology and Eastern European textiles. She conducted extensive research on hemp and wool fibers and their related technologies in Romania. Besides her PhD thesis, she has published in various journals and books, and has curated several exhibitions on her work. Among these are: Textile tradiționale din Transilvania tehnologie și estetică (Traditional Textiles from Transylvania—Technologies and Aesthetic.) Suceava, Accent Print, 2008 ; The Secret Life of Textiles: Plant Fibers; The Secret Life of Textiles: Animal Fibers at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2016-2017 (lead curator); Carpathian Echoes—Traditional Textile Materials and Technologies in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania and Ukraine at the Ukrainian Museum in New York (lead curator,) and Textiles – Art and Necessity. Highlights of the Muzeul Textilelor Collection, at the Muzeul Textilelor, Băița, 2018. Dr. Zaharia has an M.A. with a specialization in tapestry and textile structure and design, and a Ph.D. in Visual Arts with a focus on textile materials and technologies, and their impact on artifacts’ aesthetic qualities. She earned her academic degrees from the National University of Art Nicolae Grigorescu in Bucharest
White on White
Textile Decoration Techniques
Event at the Muzeul Txtilelor’s Building B, No. 20A, Băița,Hunedoara County, Romania – December 1th, 2018 – March 1th, 2019
The White on White exhibition brings to the public textile objects made during the period following the industrial revolution, especially in the city, but also in the rural areas of Europe and the United States. The bleached fabric made of linen, hemp and cotton were the mainly used materials for the household textiles included in this exhibition—tablcloths, napkins and bed linens. The mecanic weaving produced wide fabric, necessary for these objects, therefore, the techniques previously used for joint the norrow width of the hand made fabric were no longer used. The cut work embroidery, which in Romania it is also called „broderie spartă,” drawn thread work, various types of lace and insertions are some of the most important white on white decoration technique. During the end of the nineteen cntury and the first half of the twentieth century these thechniques spread rapidly throughout Europe and the United States. They changed the preferences for the textiles for interiors, and provoked radical transformations especially in the group of textiles produced until then in the rural areas, with traditional materials and technologies.
Fibers and Color, Work by Timea Borșan
Event at the Muzeul Txtilelor’s Art Cafe, Building B, No. 20A, Băița,Hunedoara County, Romania – August 31th – November 31th, 2018
The Muzeul Textilelor continues its commitment to encouraging and supporting the making of textiles by the young generation with the exhibition Fibers and Color: Creations by Timea Ioana Borșan. This young artist began her education at the Colegiul Economic “Emanuil Gojdu” in Hunedoara, then continued at the Art High school ”Sigismund Toduță” in Deva. Presently she is a senior high school student at the Colegiul Național Pedagogic “Regina Maria” in Deva. Repeatedly, Timea has participated in international drawing competitions, where she has twice won awards. The vision of this gifted artist is characterized by a perspective of space, the three-dimensionalities of forms, and bold colors.
Opposite Cultures—Textiles and Poetry of Romania and Japan. Comparativ Studies and Cultural Interferences of Two Artistic Traditions
Cultural event at the Muzeul Txtilelor’s Art Cafe, Băița, Nr. 20A, Hunedoara County, Romania 13 July, 2018, 3:00-7:45PM
In anticipation of the Opposite Cultures-Traditional Costumes of Romania and Japan exhibition, organized by the Muzeul Textilelor in collaboration with ASTRA Museum in Sibiu, which will open in 2019 at the ASTRA Museum, we are please to invite you to a program that reflect the artistic traditions of Romanian and Japanese cultures. The Muzeul Textilelor’s guests, Dr. Sonia Coman, Professor Mircea Lac and his students from the „Tabăra de educație și creație Țara Moților, 2018”, togeter with Dr. Florica Zaharia will bring in the front of the public presentations and demonstrations related to the subject of traditional cultures of the two countries.
Dr. Florica Zaharia will introduce to the audiance the subjet of the exhibition which she is curating with Mrs. Midori Sato. Similarities and diferences of the traditional textile production tipical for Romania and Japan will be presented in paralel.
Dr. Sonia Coman, will made an incursion into the fascinating world of Romanian Japonisme. During a short presentation, we will learn about the first Romanian poets – from Vasile Alecsandri to Ion Pillat – who got acquainted with Japanese literature, via Western European sources, and tried their hand at writing poetry in the tradition of haiku. Dr. Coman will also read some of her own poems, in Romanian and English, from her most recent haiku book, Passages (New Canaan, CT: Hoshin Media, 2017).
Dl. Mircea Lac and his students from the „Tabărei de educație și creație Țara Moților, 2018” will demonstrate the art of making adornments which belong to the traditional costume of Padureni people. They will also fascinate us by their presentation of the wooden toys made by traditional methods.
3:00-6:00PM The students of „Tabăra de educație și creație Țara Moților, 2018.” Coordinator Professor Mircea Lac. Demonstrations/workshops on the subject of Padureni’s adornments and Romanian traditional wooden toys.
18:05-18:30 Sonia Coman. Incursion into the fascinating world of Romanian Japonisme. Haiku poetry reading.
18:30-19:45 Florica Zaharia. Prezentation of the Opposite Cultures-Traditional Costumes of Romania and Japan exhibition.
Dr. Sonia Coman, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, United States
Profesor Mircea Lac, Centrul de Cultură și Artă, Deva, Romania
The students of „Tabărei de educație și creație Țara Moților, 2018,” Deva, Romania
Dr. Florica Zaharia, Muzeul Textilelor, Băița, Hunedoara, Romania
Sonia Coman
Sonia Coman is a Romanian-born poet and art historian, currently working as a research fellow at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC. With a BA degree from Harvard and a PhD from Columbia, Sonia has a double specialization in French art and Japanese art. Her research focuses on ceramics, explored in light of cross-cultural influences and the global circulation of visual and poetic motifs. Sonia’s poetry has been published and awarded internationally. Her latest book, “Passages”, was shortlisted for The Haiku Foundation’s Touchstone Distinguished Book Award.
Mircea Lac
Professor Mircea Lac, has a vast experience in the artistic education of youths. He is a promoter of the Romanian traditional culture. Mr. Lac studied at the Școla Pedagogică „I. A. Komenski” from Deva, and at the University of Iași where he followed special training for art school professors. His professional performance includes multiple exhibitions and interactive activities in Romania and abroad, including in France, Swiss, Germany, Belgium and the United States. He is the professor of the „Tabara de educație și creație Țara Moților, 2018,” in Deva.
Florica Zaharia
Dr. Florica Zaharia is the director and the owner of the Muzeului Textilelor, which she founded in 2017 together with her husband and doughter in Băița, Hunedoara county, Romania. Dr. Zaharia is a Conservator Emerita of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, where for twenty eight years she was a member of the Department of Textile Conservation. For therteen years she was the Conservator in Charge of the department. Dr. Zaharia has researched, published, lectured, curated exhibitions, and taught on the subjects of tapestry conservation, textile materials and technology, Eastern European textiles, and textile conservation and preservation. Dr. Zaharia earned her academic degrees from the National University of Art “Nicolae Grigorescu” in Bucharest.
Opening of the Muzeul Textilelor in Baita, Hunedoara County, Romania
The inauguration of the Muzeul Textilelor will be on May 26, and the opening to the public on May 28, 2018.
The Museum is owned by Florica and Romulus Nicolae Zaharia and their daughter Ana Teodora Dragus. The textile collection, formed during the last four decades, encompasses approximately 12,000 textiles and tools. Its focus is on textile materials and techniques used worldwide. The Muzeul Textilelor is the first museum of its kind in Romania and, to our knowledge, in all of Eastern Europe.
The two inaugural exhibitions reflect the type of collection the Museum houses, and its mission. Textiles-Art and Necessity: Highlights of the Muzeul Textilelor Collection displays examples of textiles from various cultures including fabrics made of a wide range of textile fibers, as well as tools, costumes and accessories, and textiles for interiors. The Mathematics of Weaving: Work by the Students of Hunedoara County, at the Museum’s Art Café, demonstrates our commitment to working with the young members of the community. Both exhibitions are curated by Florica Zaharia.